

Saturday, February 1, 2014

7 Fun Things To Do When You’re Pregnant

7 Fun Things To Do When You’re Pregnant
Pregnancy is a wonderful time in your life and you want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest extent

There are so many fun things to do when you are pregnant. Pregnancy is a wonderful time in your life and you want to be able to enjoy it to the fullest extent. These fun things to do when you are pregnant will help you to make the most of that special time. It can also give you some wonderful memories to cherish.


Maternity pictures are a must when you are pregnant. In addition to capturing the memories perfectly, it is one of the most fun things to do when you are pregnant. It is best to wait until you are in the beginning of your third trimester to get the best photos. You will be at a big enough size that your pregnancy is undeniable, but not so far along that you feel miserable. You also want to get these in before any swelling begins.


A lot of pregnant women enjoy having their belly painted by their family. I think this is a very cute idea. It is also a way to involve your family in your pregnancy. It helps your other children to process what is happening and feel a part of it. They can later tell their siblings all about the time they painted Mommy’s tummy.


Prenatal yoga is something that many women enjoy during their pregnancies. They find that it is relaxing. It is also a way to use altered yoga poses to take the strain off their bodies, even if only for a few moments. It provides a way to gather with other pregnant women and enjoy their companionship and share in their pregnancies. It can also be a break from the ordinary.


Have you heard of taking a babymoon? A babymoon is one last trip for the parents-to-be for the purpose of focusing on their relationship before the baby arrives. They can be so much fun and very romantic. There are many different options that can be chosen as a location. Make sure you clear any travel with your doctor, though.


A prenatal massage can be just what you need to help you feel relaxed. It is a wonderful treat when you are pregnant. As you get closer to the end of your pregnancy, the aches and pains can really take a toll on you. A prenatal massage can be just the ticket to getting rid of them. A prepaid session for such a massage can be a wonderful gift if you are not pregnant but have pregnant friends.


A childbirth class is a great way to prepare yourself for your baby’s entrance into the world. You can learn a lot about how to make your childbirth easier. It can help you to feel more prepared and more knowledgeable about what is going on. Most childbirth classes go on to cover a little bit about newborn care which can help to increase your confidence level. Many times, you end up making friends with other couples in the class and stay friends for years to come.


You need pregnant friends when you are pregnant. You need someone who understands what you mean when you say you feel huge and nothing like your former self. You need someone else you can commiserate with. It is also nice to have someone to share all of the good moments with and even shop with. Many times you become lifelong friends when you are both experiencing pregnancy together.
These seven things can really help you to enjoy the fun aspects of pregnancy more. What were the funnest parts of your pregnancy? What great memories do you have of that special time?

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