Be warned that some of the photos could be scare or unsettling.
#10 The Blue Parrot Fish
Not only is it hard to believe that the blue parrot fish exists due
to its lively appearance and color, but it’s also hard to believe that
people eat it and it’s even considered a delicacy in some countries. The
amazing bright color of this strange creature really makes it stand out
and the name makes you wonder where it originated from.
#9 The Bush Viper
This snake has a truly strange appearance. It allows itself to blend
into its surroundings in order to disguise itself from predators. A bite
from the bush viper snake can be deadly to humans, so this isn’t a
snake that you would want to keep as a pet.
(Via Teen Digest)#8 Giant Isopod
This creature truly is what nightmares are made of. Looking like a
giant woodlouse, this isopod lives deep in the sea and is thought to be
one of the largest isopods in existence. The giant isopod surely has
earned its name as one of the strangest creatures.
#7 Glaucus Atlanticus
This amazingly brightly colored creature surely is stunning to look
at. Being a species of the blue sea slug, what it lacks in size makes up
for in appearance. It is such a strange creature that you wouldn’t even
know it really existed.
#6 Axolotl
The Axolotl is a strange yet adorable creature to look at, with what
looks like a permanent smile on their face. With hair/ feather like
strands around their face, they are commonly used in scientific research
due to their ability to regenerate body parts such as limbs.
#5 The Pygmy Marmoset
Being the smallest monkey and one of the smallest primates in the
world, the Pygmy Marmoset monkey is possibly one of the cutest, yet
strangest, creatures at the same time. With a diet of fruit and insects,
these monkeys can be hard to observe in the wild due to being so small.
#4 Yeti Crab
An ordinary crab isn’t the most normal looking creature as it is, so
the breed, that is the yeti crab, truly is one of the strangest
creatures you could come across. Its fury like pincers and color are
what makes the appearance of this crab intriguing.
#3 Okapi
Although from the looks of this animal you would think that it is
cross between a Horse and a Zebra, or something along those lines, but
not quite. The Okapi is actually closely related to the Giraffe family,
which is what makes this strange animal interesting.
#2 Thorny Dragon
Whilst not actually a dragon, but in fact a lizard, this creature
surely is strangely amazing. Not only because of its magnificent
appearance, but also because of its second head. Not a real head, but
one that disguises itself as one whilst the actual head will be buried
to hide from predators.
#1 Psychrolutes Marcidus
Commonly known as the blob fish, this incredibly strange creature is
one that to look at you would never believe truly exists. With a
completely strange blob like appearance the gelatinous body just floats
along just above the sea floor without having to waste any energy on
actually swimming.
Great God