

Friday, February 17, 2017


I was alone again on my balcony and reflecting on how motherhood was reenacted during my December visit to mum’s after three years. I got deeply emotional and was prompted to compose her a love poem. Of course, Ann Taylor’s ‘My Mother’ came to mind. I picked my phone and called. Mum was quiet but I could hear her excited breathing beneath my cracked voice.
Who sat and watched my infant head
When sleeping on my cradle bed
And tears of sweet affection shed
My mother
I continued singing, swelling up with each verse, and struggling to hold my burst.
Until the last stanza!
When thou art feeble, old and grey
My healthy arm shall be thy sway
And I will soothe thy pains away
My mother

Then it happened. I couldn’t hold it anymore. I lost the struggle and tears erupted, freely flowing down my cheeks, mum was crying too. It was an emotional moment I couldn’t find words to describe; the priceless feelings, the loud silence, the agelong understanding… Oh motherhood, how can I ever forget your kindness? What can I do to repay you? What have you not done for me? Thank you maami.
Mum has been a great help, a support and an inspiration to me, and I constantly seek unique opportunities to create experiences to at least, repay a portion of her kindness.
Part of what mum taught me was how to cook a good meal and I’m planning to cook for her. She has cooked for me all her life and I want to do the same for her. The fast approaching Mother’s Day is a perfect opportunity to show mum the Chef in me. I’m planning to drive from Lagos to Ilorin just to cook for her. I would buy all the ingredients here in Lagos then hit the road. No matter how tired I am, I’m going straight into the kitchen to make her one of the most nutritious and nourishing food on earth.
Well, I might have limited knowledge of recipes but you can never go wrong with pecadomo. It is the simplest and smartest form of getting nutrition; it means Peak Can Do More which is a new trend among the health-conscious Nigerians, embracing the use of Peak Milk beyond the traditional bread and tea. Peak Milk is now used in the preparation of traditional foods like eba, semo, amala, pounded yam, etal.

Even at her age, mum still needs good nutrition. As a retired nurse, she has private health consultancy business which requires sharper mind and stronger body, and pecadomo is that perfect strategy of meeting her nutritional needs as critical nutrients are situated at key culinary touchpoints.
Why Peak Milk? Peak is an iconic brand of quality nurturing generations since 1954; and produced under strict hygiene.  Peak is nutritious, and enhances the mental and physical performances of consumers. So join me in the next Mothers’ Day as we show mum the Chef in You, nurturing her to health and nutrition.
This might be the simple idea to connect with mums again, sometimes, its not always about that expensive gift but a unique experiences that invoke emotions and create lasting impressions.
Knock-knock-knock, Mum I’m hooome.

Monday, February 6, 2017


It was 31st of December and the time to celebrate the end of a challenging year, and maybe set a new goal for the next 365 days. Tito sat drunk in a Surulere bar with his jolly friends, their tables filled with different kinds of alcoholic beverages. Each narrating the challenges the year had brought and how they survived it. The conversation drifted to making plans for the incoming year. Part of the plans for Tito was to drop-down his alcoholic consumption which had consistently drained his pocket. And bla bla bla.
New resolutions have been made, with plans to embrace new attitudes. The key challenge is following the resolutions to the end. About 60% of New Year resolutions are abandoned after 1-2 months, and another 20% after 3 months. Only a meagre percentage follow through to the end of the year. The key problem is our refusal or rather ignorance to create a solid roadmap on how to actualize the resolutions. Tito and friends never did that and there are possibilities that their resolutions might fail. They might just hit the bar again the following weekend.
However, Funke, my friend had an intriguing resolution; she wants a healthier lifestyle for herself and her family. Wow! As simple as it sounds; it requires a high level of hard work. That means sound body and sound mental health which would eventually trigger long life and prosperity.
‘Interesting! So what’s your strategy?’ I asked
‘My key strategy is pecadomo’.
‘Peca what?’
‘Pecadomo’ meaning Peak Can Do More!
Funke is a busy mum between 25-45; health-conscious, upwardly-mobile. She knows that ‘the family’s health is the mother’s scorecard’, and will do everything to keep her family healthy and happy. Funke lectured me that young and trendy mums all over the country are embracing the use of Peak Milk beyond the traditional bread and tea, and Peak Milk is now used to prepare traditional foods like eba, semo, amala, pounded yam, etal.
‘So why Peak and not other milk brands?’ I quizzed
‘Peak is an iconic brand of great quality and pedigree, nurturing generations since 1954 and produced under strict hygiene, the company adhering strictly by international policies’
‘Really?!’ I was impressed.
‘Yes’. Funke preached on. ‘And Pecadomo is a great strategy of meeting the nutritional needs of every family member as critical nutrients are situated at key gastronomic touchpoints. Its the right thing to do in this age when we hardly have time for decent meals’. She nailed it.
It’s a new year and another chance to get it right. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery.
For me, I have decided to innovate. Trying new things, learning, living, pushing myself, changing myself, changing our world; however to do that, there is need for stronger body and sharper mind; and Peak Milk is equipped to enhance my mental and physical performances; giving me sound mind and sound body.
A wholesome health for innovation!
‘A toast to a healthier 2017’. I raised my glass of Peak smoothie to Funke
‘Its always in you’ she replied, smiling, and clicking my cup.